new kid on the block

Hi everybody, my first post , so be kind! Bought my first +2 elan69 from west canada it will take about 4 to 5 weeks to transport to montreal (to… long) can’t wait to drive it. heard lots of good things about the +2 hope I don’t regret it. P.S I will be asking lot’s of questions .

Hello Frank and congratulations,there will be times when you regret it but those will pass and in the end you’ll have a grin from ear to ear,trust me.
Also you’re in the right place here you couldn’t ask for a better more helpful forum.

John :wink:

Welcome aboard! I am located in Calgary, and there are several other Canadians on the list. It is a terrific resource for these cars.

I am just sorting out my “new to me” 1971 Plus 2 which I got from Ontario and drove out to Calgary. Currently waiting on some parts to get on the road again and get inspections completed. :frowning:

Did you buy the red Plus 2 from Alberta?

Post pics when you get the car.


yes, I picked it up from Magrath Alberta

Very nice Frank. Looks like a nice car. Hope the shipping goes well.