Like it says, recently purchaced a car as a restoration project. seems to be complete and in relatively decent shape for a car that has been parked (inside, climate controlled) for the last 22 years. numbers are as follows:
unit # 72070297n
engine # w27247
vin# +0297/n+
carb type 45dcoe9, no 6j
Something that seems different about this car than others that I’ve seen pics of is that it has one carb, with a different intake setup, stamped NONNVA. anybody seen that before? Cam cover identifies the engine as being a big valve, but as I understand it the “w” prefix designates that the carbs should be strombergs. What’s up with that?
Hi and welcome to the joys of Lotus ownership. You appear to have a DPO ( devious previous owner) problem . Sounds like someone has somehow fitted a single 45 DCOE to a stromberg head. Need to see a photo to understand how its been done and what problems you may face in getting such a setup to work properly. Its not a usual mod to say the least.
May be best to focus on other areas to get it running and then worry about the carb. Having only one problem carb to deal with after a long sit may be a plus, not a minus.
I suspect the DPO wanted better economy and got tired synchronizing carbs or got the DCOE free or… There are a lot of Stromberg haters out there.
In any event, this setup is unlikely to match the power of either twin Webers or the original Strombergs, so in the long haul you get to choose whether to find a pair of Strombergs or SUs or ante up for a Weber head, another DCOE, and some jetting (a single DCOE would have to be set up much differently than the same carb used in a pair.)
My advice is work with what’s there until you determine what else the engine needs. This is money that can be spent later.
Thanks for the welcome…feels like home already. I’m sure that it will be a joy to own and work on this car. I’m used to modern watercooled VW’s, and the problems associated with them (usually electrical, but strangely the Prince of Darkness is no where to be found…). I suspected that the single carb was a mod by the previous owner, but was unsure if it was done in the quest for power or economy. Totally plan on getting the car running and looking good before I attempt to return the carb set up to original. No engine bay pics as of yet, but when I get them I’ll post up. For the time being a description will have to do. Inlet adapter looks like a 4-2-1 headder on a 4cyl. exhaust system. Carb and adapter look rebuilt, if not brand new, which is strange considering the amount of time that the car has been sitting. Best as I can tell, all the parts are present in the car (minus the other carb), and the trunk had a set of new calipers, master cylinder, and spare headlights. Service booklet is present, with all coupons up to current mileage filled out by Manhattan Auto Service, and it has the owners manual with the car. All fluids are full, has new plugs wires and points. Needs paint and weather proofing around windscreen and greenhouse, as well as rehanging the doors and securing the drivers side door handle. Something that does worry me, how ever, is that the crossover pipes for emission control are not there, and don’t look like they ever were. Kind of strange for a 1972 car. I know that the # plate on the driver door jam says “Production Date does not determine model year”, but shouldn’t any US car from '72 have emissions control?
Probably removed for an improvement in performance, as I’d do myself… ridicilous US laws f**ing up many a car’s good performance in the late 60s - early 70’s…
We were just trying to successfully clean up the air a bit…(while we now clog the roads with awful suv’s)
As far as crossover pipes on an Elan, if it has only one carb, it is not original, hence maybe nowhere to bolt on crossover pipes to a modified intake. I’d love to see a picture of your engine.
ps Thor; you’re missing an *.
hehehehehe , yes you’re right. No, really, of course I know all the good reasons, they should just have left the small engined british sportscars well alone, and kept to strangling emissions on 7litre Mopar cars and suchlike… Emission control and safety bumpers ruining many a good little car…