I’ve just obtained a '63 Elan. I’ll be taking possesion of the car this weekend and look forward to beginning the restoration. I’m sure I will be getting much use out of this forum and look forward to getting to know those of you who have lots of experience to share with the Elan.
I have a lot of experience with LBC’s mostly with Harrington Sunbeam Alpines & Land Rovers. This is my first Lotus and I plan to get to know this car from the ground up.
I’m sure I will have some real questions on parts, processes, and details after I begin the project, but now I have some more general questions like:
1.) This car was originally French Blue. Are paint samples or formulas available? Will it detract from the value of the car to change color? Is this a desirable color?
2.) Who are my best resources for parts?
That’s all I have for now. I’ll check back after I receive the car and have had a chance to browse this forum.
I’m in the USA. Thanks for the input… I’m all about keeping the French Blue, but it wouldn’t be my pick if I were selecting from the show room floor!
Have paint colors been documented and are samples available… not just exterior body colors, but wheels, etc… I just want to make sure the details are correct.
Yes, I would keep it blue, too. I live in Cincy and have a white S1. I think the S1’s only came in four colors, blue being one of them. Wheels were painted silver, with chrome hubcaps. Good Luck.
I also vote for sticking with the original color, for no other reason than originality! My S3 was originally white, I repainted it BRG. About a year after completing the painting I found out the original owner used to race it frequently in the races that were held in the Bahamas. I feel like I lost some history
You describe your car as a '63 S2. Only the original 1600 (S1) was available in '63. This may make a difference to the color as the original blue was officially Medici Blue and probably the same as the blue offered on the original Elite. I know the original yellow is only listed in the UK as being available as a cellulose paint and not two pack. This was a Ford colour and it may be that your best bet for the original blue (if your car is indeed a '63 car) is through one of the Elite specialists in the UK. The seat colors would have been black, tan or red.
I was wrong… my car is a '64 S2. Still don’t know what I’m going to do about the color, but I just can’t come to fall in love with the french blue. I had better decide soon though, my bodyman is waiting for me to get the body shell over to him.
Club Lotus in the UK produced an elan colour sheet many years ago (they may still do). No samples but just lists of colours used, years and original codes. I have a copy somewhere which I could probably scan and email to you if that help?
This site has a list of colors and some examples. I noticed that a few of the names were the same as colors found on Sunbeam Alpines. Like: Carnival Red and Wedgewood Blue. I wonder if these were spot-on to the Sunbeam colors? I have formulas for the Sunbeam versions in modern paint.