Hi Guys
I need some advice …
9 years ago I bought a 1970 Elan Plus 2 from a friend of mine that was emigrating to the USA. The car was completely stripped, in a terrible condition and had been for many years
Typical story, the chassis was rotten and my friend had taken the body off and replaced it putting the body back and badly damaging it at the same time.
I employed a glass fibre specialist who rebuilt a great deal of it, but in essence its sat here all these years and I’ve never managed to move it any further forward. Demanding kids …
I’ve come to the conclusion I will never manage to move forward with the car and my option is to sell her…
Problem is I have no idea where to sell her or for how much.
I have the engine Carbs etc but all need a thorough refurb
Can anyone advise please ??
Ask 5 experts their advice and you will get 5 different answers. Everyone will have an opinion on how much they think it is worth. Just put it on ebay with many pictures showing its condition and the market will decide how much it is worth. Start the auction at £4995.
And that is my advice. Good luck with it. I have just noticed you live in HW. Your glass fibre expert wasn’t Adrian Streeter was it ?
I think that Leslie is spot on Peter with the auction approach. I saw on Facebook that one person said it was at least £8k…I doubt that very much in the current climate.
You mention that the car had a new chassis…was everything refurbished when it went back onto the chassis? Has the chassis been drilled for the body, and does it fit properly?
When you advertise you should describe these issues, along with the description of all the main sub-assemblies as well as good photos as Leslie suggests. That way you will attract folks interested in restoring the car which should give you the best return. Otherwise it could be bid very low to be broken for parts.
Put some photos up here if you need any help in describing the car or its sub-assemblies.
I bought and sold a Plus 2 on ebay complete but in need of a total rebuild. Bought it for just over £4000 about 4-5 years ago, and sold it a couple of years ago for just over £4000… Had to fend off a nice chap who was after it just for the engine; bizzarly he offered me £4000 for the engine only…
Thanks Guys, I really do appreciate your advice. I had previously spotted this chap on EBay trying to sell an engine for £5K and it made me realise that the figure I had in my head was absolutely miles off.
Leslie I don’t recall the Gentlemans name, he had a factory in Abercromby Avenue buit was selling up and moving to France.
I’ll let the weather improve and get some photo’s and try Ebay
Thanks once again
What do your demanding kids say about selling off the car that has always been in your garage. I was surprised by my son’s thoughts about the car I had sitting in our garage since he was about a year old. We’ve been working on it over the past few years and he really wants it finished and drive able. Get your kids involved in the project.