thought we’d fire up the old girl for the first time yesterday - she hasn’t run since the mid 90’s …but no spark! Seeking inspiration & guidance I turned to the " archives" . i’m a novice with all things Elan & such was the revelation that I awoke my younger 16yo son to announce that the funny little switch in the glovebox which is hanging down still requiring black wire to be resoldered is an antitheft device & could well be the source of our problems… he laughed!
i’m off to work, confident in the knowledge that Chris and his older bro Tom , just back home from University last night ( now extra source of slave labour for 3 months until he returns) will put their young heads together and maybe crack the (current) problem …
After spending a long afternoon in Whistler Mountain years ago with a friend’s Plus 2 figuring that little gem out I opted to wire around it for my Plus 2 re-wiring job.