I have an Elan Sprint whose VIN is 73020084F, indicating that it was made in February 1973. The factory has lost the files that cover this period and are unable to provide any information.
Graham Arnold maintained that the last Sprints were manufactured in February 1973. In fact, the Sprint production line ceased in December 1972. However, cars were clearly allocated unit numbers and so-called build dates in January, February and March of 1973. Sprints continued to be listed and available up to August 1973. Certainly some UK Sprints carry the M plate, indicating they were registered after 1 August 1973. I am aware of a 1st April 1973 price list, but of none later than that date.
In other words, there continued to be stock of cars from the dealers for some time after final manufacture. In a 1973 article, Autosport say the last Sprint was maroon and sent to Portugal. They also say the Elan line ended because kit cars were phased out with the introduction of VAT on 1st April 1973, in addition to which the Sprint did not conform to 1974 safety regulations.
The last vehichle numbers I am aware of, for each Sprint type, are:
7302 0665 E
Date N/K 0068 F - John’s Sprint (above) obviously updates this!
7302 0899 G
7303 0100 H
Date N/K Only 2 units as far as I know for J
7201 0243 K
I would be happy to learn of any later cars for each type.