Mystery contact

I found this odd little contact in the driver-side footwell, on the floor below the newly-re-installed dashboard. It doesn’t look familiar to me; just for my own piece of mind, does anybody recognise it as something that came from the car? It’s about 3/4" in length.

Rocker switch contact?

John :wink:

Potentially part of a mechanical thermal current / voltage regulator from the headlight overload cutout or the instrument 10 V voltage regulator. i have never pulled one apart but that could be the guts from the inside of the small plastic case they come in.


The good news is that I can rule that out. I had all the switches open to clean the contacts and they don’t look like this.

I just pulled apart an old 2 position rocker switch and an instrument voltage stabiliser. It’s not those either. Sorry I’m not much help, but I am sure I have seen one of these somewhere. I’ll keep trying!
Alan P.

Could it be a detent rather than a contact?

Possibly part of an Otter thermal cut out.
