Modern flasher unit

Hi There

I remember that on my last plus 2 I swapped the flasher unit for a modern electronic one from, (and this is the bit I cannot quite) remember, a ford Fiesta. Gave a beutiful consistent flash after that regardless of engine speed or electrical load. I need one of rmy current (no pun intended) plus 2. Has anyone done this lately and can suggest which car yields a good replacement? It needs three pins.

Many thanks…

Hello Berni.

I’d like to know the answer to this one too. I went to the spares shop at the weekend and told them I wanted a replacement for my +2 flasher unit and that my friend Berni had had success with one from a Fiesta. I tried a few but although the indicators worked well not one would operate the hazards properly - in every case there was a high pitched screeching from behind the dash and the lights stayed on. Needless to say I quickly turned it off.
Also it may be a good idea to get a unit for cars made before 1985 as after this date six indicators became mandatory and the wattage will be higher. I’m still using my original. Any advice appreciated.



I fitted VW Beetle (original Beetle) flasher units to both my Sprint and S2,
it is three pins and can cope with hazzard lights, I cant remember how I wired as its several years ago BUT it will only work on a NEGITIVE EARTH system. I also remember getting a high pitched scream untill I got the wireing right…BEWARE!

I went to replace the falsher on my Sprint, and found a 3-pronged flasher, but only two wires attached to it. What are the Lucas wire colors that connect to this 3-prong unit? Thanks.

'71 Elan Sprint
Miami, FL

Here are the Lucas wireing colours.

Hi Gary,

I don’t know if the US Sprint and later +2S130 wiring are the same but assuming Lotus adhered to the Lucas colour codes on Brian’s link they might be. My wiring diagram gives the indicator flasher (2 pin) as having GREEN coming in from the voltage stabiliser and LT GREEN going on to the indicator switch.
The hazard flasher unit (3 pin) has GREEN / LT GREEN going to the dash warning light, YELLOW/RED going to the hazard switch and a BROWN FEED from the fuse.

I hope this helps. It’s helped me to understand that I plugged the new 3 pin unit I tried into the hazard circuit.
Does anyone know where the indicator flasher unit is situated on the +2S130/5?

(who is hoping the answer won’t be ’ it’s screwed to the back of the dash right in the middle’.) :open_mouth:

Hi,if its any help, the Vw relay referred to would be a post '68unit,as before that they were mainly 6v,and had only 2 pins,although i recently saw a 2 pin 12v unit in a friends car.Its fairly common practice with the vw units,to dismantle the unit and clean the contact with a fine sliver of wet & dry,or even the back of a cigarette just have to be carefull about not stabbing yourself when opening the unit up!

the Vw relay referred to would be a post '68unit,as before that they were mainly 6v,and had only 2 pins,quote]

Yes, the VW type I refered to was 12v thee pin Bosch electronic negitive earth unit. Its probally still used today.
part # 111 953 227D
It was fitted to later Beetles/Golfs/Passats/Buses/Audi’s etc.
term 31 = Earth
" 49= ign live
" 49a=ind lights
Not sure about cleaning the contacts though if this is the one you’re refering to.

Hi,with the vw units,you hold the thing upside down,and prise off the plastic casing,generally a couple of fine screwdrivers or stanley knives will allow you to pop the casing off(hence comment about personal injury),then youll see that its basically a solenoid that moves a pair of switch contacts,ok theres a resistor or two in there as well,but try cleaning the switch contacts-i’ve been using that routine on my '71 beetle for ages-an occasional clean helps no end!
Curiously,the 2pin units have no solenoid,just a simple contact.
hope that clarifies it!