Misuse of Free Parking

I see a “Russia” topic has been created and it has over 200 posts already…! More than the combined total of genuine posts on all the other parts of our forum…! Please delete amd keep politics and bot battles out of our forum…Thx…Tony

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It was started some years ago and hasn’t been posted in for a couple at least. Actually I see it was brought back a day or so ago. Still its an old post not a new one thats been started.

Why do you feel it is misuse? The description of Free Parking is for non Lotus content, basically it’s an area that can be used to talk about anything. It was myself that resurrected the thread, sorry if it offends you, that wasn’t my intention.
My message stated as follows

> It’s been a while since anyone posted on this topic, so I very carefully resurrect it to express hope that the conflict will end soon and that peace will return to Europe for the good of all around the world.

Although these forums are intended for Lotus Elans and the love and cherishment thereof it should be remembered that most of us have other interests and opinions as such.

Kindest regards

Alan Thomas

The topic in question was started in September of 2022. The previous last post was in September of 2023. So, 214 of the 219 posts were done from 9/22 to 9/23.

The Free Parking zone is for any non-Lotus Content within the bounds of decency. I do not want to have to get into OfCom (Online Safety Act) concerns. (Running an international forum requires you to be a part-time legislation/regulatory attorney.)

The principle of LotusElan.net applies: Be civil to one another. We don’t fight each other over our opinions. We all should fight for each other’s freedom to be wrong.

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