Missing elan plus 2

Before I rip its head off, any clues would be most welcome, I have a miss fire, changed the points, cap, plugs, rotor arm.leads, compression checked all 150+psi, checked the cams and have clearances, substituted the carbs. But still it persists. It might be a sticking valve? cannot think what else to do…the dizzy has no wear on the lobes or any wear that I can see

Holding the acc open at around three thousand rpm it cuts in and out but you cannot point to a particular cylinder as the culprit. Perhaps a dizzy change might be the quickest option, any one have a spare / idea. or can supply the model type?


Might be the coil that’s at fault. Try swopping that. I would put sticking valves lower down on the list.

Dave Chapman

have you ruled out fuel starvation ?

just thought, if u suspect sticking valve wouldn’t that give you a backfire rather than a missfire ?

Don’t have one so don’t know, but do +2 s have the anti theft switch that gives you mystery misfires when it plays up ?


I would add a Condensor to that list.


Have you checked low voltage wiring at coil and dizzy?

Sorry the condensors been changed, as has the fuel pump. I’ll check out the voltages but I did take off the ballast resistor and run the coil on full 12volts. still the same. its a bugger.

Hi. Air leak? Either via the servo connection or the headlight vacuum connection. Just a suggestion.


Did you check for any wobble in the distributor shaft? If you set the points at .015, and there’s .015 of wobble, then the points will randomly not open.

Up and down movement of the shaft shouldn’t be excessive, either.

Greg Z
'72 Sprint

bad new plugs? Had bad new champions before now on more than one occasion.

Try NGK one hotter than the standard. worked for me…

You might be able to narrow your search by comparing the colour of the spark plugs. If there is a problem in one cylinder it will be obvious.


I have changed the plugs - again, removed the dizzy again, changed the rotor arm, condensor, and points again, the cap is new. The dizzy has no noticeable wear, either axially or vertically. all the lobes are regular and unworn, i have Refitted it and yes its marginally better. but its still not right, next stop will be to replace the points and condensor with a contactless unit and another new but non ballasted coil, I can then rule this area out full stop. BTW also removed the base plate and checked & lubed the weights - replaced the LT wires. New plug caps and the leads were replaced at one of my other earlier attempts. Also have replaced the carbs with some pre loved ones. better but not quite right. Thanks for all your ideas though.

Have you tried looking at the timing with a strobe? It gives you a very good idea of whether or not the distributor and everything else is in good shape.

Even with a perfect distributor you can get an alarming amount of scatter in the timing as a result of poorly adjusted timing chain, worn skew gear, or excessive jack-shaft end-float. You may also see “missed” sparks synchronised with a stumble in the engine.


How about the earthing strap between the engine and chassis? I was once asked to help a friend diagnose rough running. I was looking it over in the early evening and was amazed to see arcing at a bad engine earth connection. Replacing the earth strap solved the problem.

Before I rebuilt my engine it used to missfire at idle…
Watching the engine one night at idle and noticed periodically a nice fat spark would jump from the engine block by the thermostat to the brake servo!
the before my very eyes it jumped to the temp sender wire and the wire began to melt!
anyhow cleaned the engine earthing points and it all went away…
Now I run wasted spark, with no problems


I had a similar problem. I wasn’t so much a misfire, the engine just wouldn’t run smooth. It seemd to be running on three cylinders. I tried all the suggestions you have had so far and then some. For me, it turned out that the plugs were fouling. I’d take them out and 3 of them were sooty black and one was wet. On a new set of plugs, it would run ok for a bit, then one would become wet. This was a random process, not always the same cylinder. After a few iterations of this, in desperation for another set of plugs after Halfords was shut, I went over to my son’s old Fiesta XR2, took out his old N9Ys which had done thousands of miles, put them in the twin cam and the engine burst into full reving action on all four cylinders. I adjusted the carbs for mixture and tickover and never had the problem since. So if you are running N7Ys try replacing them with N9Ys.

BTW, my plugs are still always black which signifies rich running. However, when I weaken the mixture the tickover goes rough. If anybody knows how to get a twin cam to provide smooth running and the plugs a nice mid brown colour, I’d love to here from them.

Good luck


The mixture adjustment screw only affects the mixture at idle. The mixture when running is primarily determined by the all the various permutations of jet sizes together with air filtering arrangements, float level etc. It sounds like you may need to check everything is to spec there. I had a problem with rich running which turned out to be because the carbs had an odd collection of different jets in, all wrong.



Thanks for your feedback. I have checked all the jets etc. and they are as per the manual. I’m reluctant to go experimenting. I am hoping someone has had the same issues and found a set of jets that gives mid brown plugs and smooth running with no hiccups through the rev range.

Alternatively, one day I’ll take it to a rolling road. Again, I would really like to know of a company with good experience of the twin cam.


Ian at GRL motors in Woking has a rolling road, lots of twink experience, knows his Webers inside out, and has a complete stock of all of the different jets. Very highly recommended from my own experience.


Don’t email (he never replies), but call the number on the website.
