
Have noodled around this site for a number of years, I always find threads with pictures the most interesting. As I am finally embarking on a couple of restorations, I thought it was about time I posted a few pictures of my own - if only to payback everyone who has kindly posted pictures themselves.

I am however concerned about the metadata stored by my phone along with picture data being uploaded. I don’t want the details of my current location, shoe size and favourite brand of soap powder uploaded along with my pictures for all to see.

Is there an easy way to strip the metadata from a JPG prior to uploading?



Try this…

If you are using a Mac and the only items that you really want to remove are the GPS coordinates then open the picture with the default application (Preview).

Click on “Tools” and select “Show Inspector”. In the pop-up window that appears select the Info icon, then select the GPS tab. You will see a “Remove Location Info” button. That will do the trick.


We remove all of the non-image EXIF data from photos when they are uploaded. When an image is uploaded, we resize and optimize the image for web viewing. This process resets the EXIF data.