Merry Xmas and Thanks

I have good reason to say thank you to the many members who have helped resolve issues for me during the year, some having gone to great lengths to dig back in their files for relevant information.

Therefore I would like to say a big heartfelt thank you to all of them, as well as all members of the Forums, so wish you all a Merry Christmas/Happy Holiday and a good New Year. May your restorations/rebuilds go as planned.

Best to All

Merry Christmas everybody

Let me add to the comments above - thank you to all who have offered help and advice to me this year, and a Happy Christmas and new year to all.


Merry Christmas

Merry Xmas to all who have given me advice -thanks, to those who took my advice and to those who disagreed with my advice…! All makes for a fantastic forum for the cars we love, especially when we have been neglectful to them or they don’t reciprocate our devotion…! Best wishes… Tony

Hi All, wishing you all a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year with lots of fun drives from Sydney

Merry Christmas Tony and everyone else!

As an outsider (read not an Elan owner) it’s nice to have met a small number of Elan owners and to be accepted into the fold.

This forum is one of the best around and full of great information.

All the best.

Al (& Ron)

Merry Christmas everyone, as Tiny Tim would say!

Al & Ron, have a grand day and hope that you are both well. Keep up the excellent work!


Merry Xmas and a happy new year to all

Many thanks Tim. Best wishes to you! Have a good one!

Concur with all the above messages.

A great forum with active banter and great information, a “Worldwide” Merry Christmas to all out readers.


Merry Christmas to all brilliant forum

Best regards for 2025 JP

A Merry Christmas to all. Having this forum is like having Christmas every day.

Marry Christmas, and a Happy New Year to everyone !
The best Forum !
Steve R

Merry Christmas and wishing you all a great 2025.

Anyone get any good Lotus Christmas presents?