Memories of racing my Elan in Portugal

I am new to this forum, but as an Elan fan I have visited it several times.
The Elan is one of my favorite cars, and as I was 13th when it was launched in ?63, I dreamed about racing one, reading the old CCC every month.
Living in Portugal, I watched a fantastic John Miles racing is red Elan in our circuits, as well as several other very good local drivers.
In 1972 I bought my first Elan, a ?66 S2, which after 23 years I converted to full 26R spec to race in our Historic Championship, which I won in 1996 and 1997.
Now that I learned how to convert old films for YouTube, I produced a selection of my memories and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
As a new member I am not yet allowed to insert an URL, for security reasons that I completely understand.
I will do it as soon as it will be alowed.
Best regards,
Rui Bevilacqua

[quote=“bevan63” Living in Portugal, I watched a fantastic John Miles racing is red Elan in our circuits, as well as several other very good local drivers.]

A photo I took of John Miles in Montes Claros circuit (close to Lisbon) in 1966, when he finished 3rd overall.

Here is Rui’s link:


Great video Rui.
Please post more.

Rui fantastic video - the elan makes the porsches look big and cumbersome. It sits very nicely in the corners what tyres, spring rates and roll bar size are you using.


Thank you, it was a fantastic car, and I managed to have an almost perfect set-up, after a whole night inside a box in Estoril circuit, using a friend?s Formula Ford weight balances for each wheel.
My mechanics were about to kill me, but at the end we had almost 50/50 weight distribution, with me inside the car.
From then, I spent half the tyres in next season, and the car was like a kart, neutral but also understeer or oversteer depending on your braking and driving.
I was using Avon slicks with different sizes to alter the ratio if I needed to lower for hillclimbs, and springs came from Tony Thompson with ref. 85 300 ~1.9 (front dry) and 88 180 S (rear dry).
Hope this helps.
Best regards,

Great video, you are obviously a bit handy behind the wheel :sunglasses:

Interesting picture of the John Miles car, see the air scoops on the rear wings :question:

… Welcome Rui ,
And thank you again for your videos … Great !
Just a question: When battling with the Porsche’s , did you remove rear view mirrors !?!
Christian.(french fan)

Nice to have you with us Rui.

Excellent video, I was willing you on in front of those Porsches at every turn.

What has happened to your Elan ? Have you still got it or where is it now, it looked a real beauty.


Hi Doug,
After that season in ?97, I decided to change my life for less involvement in motor sport, after very intense 30 years, but I never stoped even if now I only do one or two events every year.
My Lotus was sold in ?98 to a former portuguese driver, but unfortunately he only used it once, but he still keep it.
Now I am preparing a 998cc Rally Imp to enter in next Historic Rally of Portugal, a fantastic rally with 1.700 kms using the old WRC roads.

Welcome Rui,

Fantastic video, Pink Floyd for the sound track, simply wonderful. The Porsches looked HUGE next to your Elan. You certinly drove your Elan well.

My Lotus was sold in ?98 to a former portuguese driver, but unfortunately he only used it once, but he still keep it.
Now I am preparing a 998cc Rally Imp to enter in next Historic Rally of Portugal, a fantastic rally with 1.700 kms using the old WRC roads.


Seems a shame that you sold to a guy who only used it once, I assume you mean in competition ?
That would be one car I would sell my soul to the devil for.

Good luck with your latest charge.



That Porsche looked like it wanted to eat the Elan-but couldn’t catch it! Tom and Jerry on the racetrack!

Awesome video. Thanks for sharing.
