Meguiar`s polish

Readying the Elan for the Celtic Malts this weekend I remembered I had a free sample sachet of …is it Maguires or Magooyars? polish. How disappointing. I know it was free but used very sparingly and on the tiny Elan it did barely a quarter. I finished off with the good ol Turtle Wax which was much easier to apply, much easier to remove, just as good a shine and I believe, normally, much much cheaper. So there. A joke: Mr Magooyar says to another dyslexic "can you smell gas?" The other dyslexic says " no, I cant even smell my own name ".
Apologies to all dyslexics…who won`t be reading this anyway.

I use pledge spray furniture polish ----it wont build up and works a treat and smells lemonney-----ed law

The main thing is that the polish should give protection to the paint from uv light and it should impart a nice shine. I don’t think furniture polish will do anything about the uv because most of them are silicone based for shine. Proper waxes are carnuba based or fancy expensive polymers. I would say that unless you want to spend hours and hours on a saturday applying layer after layer of product then any good quality automotive polish or wax will give similar results. I personally rate meguiars very highly especially on modern clear coat paint. I use Autoglym on the Elan, it seems to give the best result for price and easy to use.

Jim i use meguires gold class polish on all my cars it is fabulous stuff applied with the foam pad it uses very little product & as long as you wash with car shampoo lasts well. All my cars are fibreglass & although autoglym works well it leaves white powder clinging with a static charge the gold class goes on easily & buffs up with very little effort & no residue

I swear by Zaino Brothers car polish. What sold me was a picture on their website of a goose pecking at his own reflection in a “Zainoed” paint job… I thought, an unbiased review. It’s not cheap though.

It really works, lasts for months, and even smells great! You can only order it on the internet. It won some fancy comparison test as the “world’s best,” but I believe it. (My Sprint has won “Top Lotus” in Florida (A.L.O.O.F. - Associated Lotus Owners of Florida) twice. Works for me. :smiley:

'71 Elan Sprint
Miami, Florida

I have used yacht polish for the last dekades on my
Elan, contains at least the same amont of caranuba
wax, and is resistant to salt at a fraction of the cost
of Megueris.

Zymol anyone? :open_mouth:

Yep, Zymol for me. I just use their “normal” stuff, which I could get @ Halfords, rather than the uber-expensive items. It is a “natural” product though, rather than a man-made formulation.

I used to use Autoglym, but won’t touch their polish anymore - took too much paint off & left chalky residues.