mechanical fan

I was driving at about 110miles when sudenly the car lost power and steam was gushing under the bonnet,thought the fan belt came off, started her back, but she was running awful, noticed the fan and alternator where not turning. I shut down the ignition and manually I was able to turn the fan ,normally the fan only turns when the engine is running,could the problem be the waterpump or is there something more serious !!

Tighten the fan belt?

John :wink:

Sounds like a loose fan belt has led to serious overheating which may have blown your head gasket, hence the rough running.
A compression check is required to verify this - you should be getting above 160p.s.i. with variation not over 20 p.s.i. between cylinders. Make sure the throttle is open when doing the check.

Checked the belt ,noticed that it came off , I filled the radiator, changed the plugs ,changed the belt, and crossed my fingers, fired her up and it was turning smoothly ,seems that the head gasket was not blown, lucky break!!! Thanks

It’s one reaon why I like to have an ampmeter in the dash.
If it shows no charge you know you’ve most likely got a loose fan belt a fair time before the temperature guage starts to rocket up the scale.
i.e. It’s time to stop & take a look at the engine quick.

BTW what’s correct: Ampmeter; Ampermeter or Ammeter (the term I was brought up with)?

Pleased that you got away so lightly. :slight_smile:

You were brought up properly!

Ta Mike,

Well yes in some respects maybe.
Errm! in the use of said instrument or the questionable spelling of.
It’s the spellin’ 'innit :laughing:
I wonder what the rest of the crew say :unamused:
Can’t be buggered to set up a poll: even if I knew how :blush:

Have a good weekend.

Ammeter gets my vote

That makes 3 of us & all from this side of the “pond” :wink:
I’m happy to stick with that.
Thanks guys :slight_smile:
Appologies to everyone for the little hijack :blush: