May upset some..!

But not me! It has taken a while to get the finish I was after for the gold metalflake roof on my +2. Frank has produced a stunning finish which is exactly what I was after. The style may upset some, but it looks pretty good to me…

The car will be going back to Neil next week to be finished off - dash, interior, headlining, window frames/motors, windows, etc… so ready next weekend?! I think not…

Now about the clearance on the new wheels…


oh boy that’s a colour for a chebby low rider —Ho-la Manuel -----very eye catching - :slight_smile: -some one may melt it down for the gold content though -ed

Wow what a finish so gold and bright hope it does not cause to much distraction
for other drivers on a sunny day

Is this how Lotus finished the roofs for later models?

Reminds me of this :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s the goldest thing I’ve ever seen. That would make a Gold ingot look a rather dull yellow colour. Congratulations, I’ve think you’ve achieved the effect you were after.