Master & Slave cylinders for clutch

Having just stripped down and refurbished my master and slave cylinders for the Elans clutch I discovered that the internal bores have seen better days. I know that they are 5/8 and 7/8 but does anyone know where i can get a set? but more importantly does anyone know roughly how much they are?
I have also read about companys that will bore out the cylinders and refit them with a stainless steel inserts with the correct I/D. Has anyone ever done this and can they recommend anyone?

Don?t know where you are about, but Susan Miller in England email [email protected] will be glad to sell you master & slave. They are apx 40GBP each. Others are Paul Matty, Tony Thompson…

When I was younger I tried to overhaul hydraulic brake and clutch parts on my various british cars to save money. It never really worked out in the long run. Better get new genuine parts.

In North America, you may want to try Sierra Specialty Automotive. They do brake and clutch master/slave cylinders. Starting price around $75.00; they recommend non-corroding brass liners in lieu of stainless steel. I’ve never used them however, so I can’t comment from personal experience.

'71 Elan Sprint FHC

That’s what cylinder hones are for.

I got my master and slave from Dave Bean in California. Don’t remember the cost off hand. Make sure you bench bleed the master and try to get the slave turned so the bleed screw is on top when you bleed. Otherwise you can pump a gallon of fluid through and never get the air out!

Here’s a mystery - why the hell does the master cylinder have the hose connection on top, where the hose has to do a 180, leaving an un-bleedable loop in the hose? This could have been avoided if the connection was on the bottom with a bleed screw on top!.

Steve Becker
69 S4