Main Wiring Harness: What have I got?

I’ve been waiting a half year for this and now completely baffled as to what it is. I have a 1970 Plus 2 S Federal.
Here is the loom I got from Matty (MWLO050G):

It seems to have little in common with what is in the car. My basic assumption is the the main harnesss is essentially under the bonnet feeding the engine, front lights, fuses and auxiliary electrics, and that it comes through the firewall where the dash harness plugs into it. Is that correct?
If that is correct here is the show stopper of mismatched details: There are two 12 pin connectors on my dash harness and only one 6 pin connector on the new harness. There are also several individual connectors on both so there is no chance they are simply missing a multi connector. That leaves 18 pins unaccounted. I haven’t tried to match all the other wires since this seems to me to be an insurmountable glitch to begin with. I’ve had quite a go around with the part numbers but this does not look like a Plus 2 main harness of any kind. I’d like to some advice before I call Matty yet again.
Thanks in advance,

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On my 1970 +2S it had 3 Fuse Boxes + in Doors Warning Lights and Puddle Lights + Lights inside the Ashtrays.
I have had 3 different +2 Elans and the 1970 one had the most Electric Cables everywhere.

Thanks Ian and Alan. I have posted new pictures here. Sorry for the blur. The dash harness has been removed and a new one hangs beside it. Although the multi plugs are slightly different, the old has one 12 pin and two six pin and the new one two twelve pin, I can live with that. This comprises the connection between the dash harness and the main harness. The connectors are near the top in the photo.

Below are the companion connectors on the main harness that is still in the car. All the pins are used which makes 24 connections in the multi plugs and another half dozen or more individual connections. There seem to be nowhere on the new harness where there are that number of wires.

Unless I’m really missing something, and that could certainly be the case, this would still not seem to be the correct part.

Tom - I believe you are correct. Your harness looks pretty much like mine and I’m in the middle of a rewire also. Here are three photos of my harness ('70 +2S (fed) 0053).

Mine, I believe, originally had a generator and was converted to an alt. It has the splices in the power wires that conversions have.

Main (front) harness. If yours is like mine with three fuse boxes in the engine compartment, you’ll have a mass of terminals for the fuses and three multi pin connectors that go to the dash.

The instrument panel (mostly torn apart at this point) has the three mating multi pin connectors and bullet connectors that go to the rear harness and the doors.

Front end of the rear harness has bullet connections only.

Yeah, I don’t think that you got the right one. Looks like it might be for a +2 130 with the small fuse box in the facia. If any other or better pictures will help, just let me know.

Thanks Bud, I didn’t think the 130 would be that different but I suppose it could have been completely re-designed. I’m now quite sure the harness is incorrect but still don’t know if the part number is. Hopefully Matty can help and hope also that it won’t take another six months.
My car is a slightly older sister to yours (2S Fed. 0025).
I’ll send you a PM.

The multi-connectors looks similar to that used on S4s & Sprints in the period 1970-1973.

You might find my posting at useful. Seems replacement harnesses have used individual bullets since the original connector is no longer available.

You can substitute a MateNLok connector as suggested in the above thread.

Thanks Phil, I hear what you are saying but the form of connector is far less relevant than the fact that with the loon I got I’d have to connect 10 on the main loom to 30 on the dash one.
Will let you know what happens on Monday.

Yes, your harness has many less wires than Bud’s…