LotusElan.net Donation Request

Hello Everyone,

LotusElan.net is maintained by member donations. Your donations keep the website going. I am very thankful for our members’ generosity in supporting the website.

This year, I have a special request. I am working with a charity focused on helping families whose children have been diagnosed with cancer. Being diagnosed with cancer is tough. Having your child diagnosed with cancer is devasting. Helping children and their families impacted by cancer is important to me.

In lieu of a donation directly to LotusElan.net, I am requesting our members to make a donation to CandleLighters. So, instead of your annual donation to the website, would you please give to this worthwhile charity. It is a registered 501(c)3, so it is tax-deductible.

My donation link page is: give.candle.org/goto/jeffspage

Thank you, everyone, for your continued support and assistance for this worthy cause.



Thanks so much for posting this. This hits close to home. I have close friends who nearly lost their daughter at 3 months of age to pediatric leukemia. There are a lot of resources for parents of children with cancer. Please PM me and I can forward some information to you.

Dan Wise

Done, and great work Jeff. I lead an (adult) cancer program in NC, so your cause is close to mine, and I greatly appreciate your generosity and support towards beating cancer.

Hi Jeff,
Can you fix it so that it pays through PayPal or direct on-line bank transfers, I am reluctant to give out the security code on my credit card.

Due to contactless payments I think the finance collectors no longer need a CV number for payments below ?30 anymore, but most on=line systems don’t seem to know that.

I know 'cos I paid a ?3.10 parking fee by card a few days ago and it actually said CV code not needed.

I have reached out to the charity and asked if we can bring up alternate payment methods. Once I hear from them, I will let you know.


Thank you everyone who donated. I appreciate your support.


Great cause Jeff. I made a contribution. And thank you for managing our amazing forum. We all appreciate it.

Hi there Jeff,

Are you still requesting donations for your chosen charity?
