Lotus seen from down under

I took the chance to shoot a picture from the underside of the car…
There is quite a bit of work to do (I changed the brake light switch), the (missing) bracket at the rear end of the gearbox (holds up the front of the long exaust pipe) needs to be fixed, all suspension bushes would profit from replacement and parts will be repainted in process. The long copper clutch pipe behind the sump crossbar is a special from PO.

And there is an interesting shot of the factory made earth path through the opened steering coupling - no outside wiring needed! (risk of catching near parts)


That can not be a real Lotus Elan, there is not enough oil down there :wink:

So where abouts in Australia are you ?

Hang on I throught you were talking about the Lotus scene downunder


Hi Anna

Just a comment looking at the photos of your very nice Elan.

The unsupported length of what looks like copper or cupro-nickel clutch hydraulic line would concern me. It will be vibrating with the engine running and you will ultimately get a fatigue failure.
