Lotus front suspension


I have a pair of bottom and top front suspension arms but I don’t know if they are Triumph’s or Elan’s.

Are they the same lenght?

What should be the size for the Elan’s? Top and bottom?


I’m pretty sure that the lower wishbones are quite different. The Triumph (Herald/Spitfire/Vitesse/GT6) wishbone is a single assembly, with the two arms of the wishbone joined together with connecting struts to make an ‘A’ frame. Also, there is a bracket welded to one of the arms to attach the drop link for the anti-roll bar. See here:

cgi.ebay.co.uk/HERALD-VITESSE-FR … 240%3A1318

The Lotus ones are just two separate arms:

cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/FRONT-LO … ccessories



They look a lot like Triumph Spitfire’s but I would like really to know the correct size.

Can anyone help me?


duartevelezgrilo.eu/lotusela … ension.PDF
This is section C of the Elan workshop manual.
Page 9 should help, This site will help with a lot of questions about S4’s

Diagrams and distances listed for the Elan.

Complete manual is here

The Triumph lower wishbones will have holes to attach the cross brace and one will have an anti roll bar bracket welded to it. I am confident that the basic pressings (stampings) are common to Spitfire and Elan.

Elan on the left and GT6 right

So there you go - shows what I know…

Looking at the Rimmer Bros website confirms that the Herald, Vitesse, Spitfire and GT6 have common upper and lower wishbone arms.