Lotus Factory Archive


Who is the contact for the Lotus Factory Archive now?

Maurice Storey = GONE
Mike Pomfret = [email protected]
Chris Brown = [email protected]
Andy Graham = [email protected]

I cannot keep up; if anyone has a current contact I would much appreciate it?



Andy Graham is the current Archivist at Hethel. The others are still there and have an interest but probably not the time!


Thanks Tim :smiley:

Mike Pomfret has retired so you can ignore that e-mail address and I have replaced Chris Brown as the company archivist. I have been trying to get Chris’s details replaced on the “How to obtain history on an individual car” without success, so thanks for posting this with my contact details.


By process of elimination, I’ll assume you’re Andy Graham.

Er, I’m beginning to think that garyeanderson might have a very good point. :sunglasses:

Hi Howard

You must read minds. I did not reply here as it will be gone shortly and I don’t believe that Andy has the time for our passion. I emailed Andy directly and made mention of the fact the a reply to a post is all but gone and a couple days and recieved a nice reply. I also gave him a kindly heads up that maybe his signature should get some details and an Email address would help too. I told him of putting the details in the Business section also ( I believe that Lotus is still a business)
and if he wanted me to remove it I would, but not many folks will reply to my messages (I think every one understands where I am coming from on this point) where If Andy made the same post it may recieve many and he may not see them as he is not a regular reader.

Apparently someone has been reading that stale (3 to 5 years) info in the main page and was a bit upset at the delay.

As usual my ever helpful and direct self thought I should get involved to see what could be done. I though about it for a bit and did a few searches to see if I could get a up to date address for Jeff and found several so I replied to Andy and Jeff at those addresses with my ever direct as always helpful self and hope that the two of them can work out the details. We will see if it worked in a few days, if not I will work on another angle to help.I am sure I will get a warm thank you.


I’ve no doubt that they were raising a glass to your continuing good health, even as you wrote the words Gary. :mrgreen:

Gary, thanks for your efforts to update this information.