lotus elite diane webber photo

came across a photo today that had a nude diane weber sprawled across a lotus elite…circa photo 1961…has anyone ever seen this pic…would certainly make me want to buy one…

Hi Lotusdelta ,
You ask for her , here she is!

wow…do you think there were any stress cracks to the monocoque?..lol

… Today , less on the car than …

Nice twin choke carbs

First time I’ve seen Webbers on an early Elite


Climax engined!

I’ll get me coat!
Hrrm! Anyone got a print they can sell me?

…have you guys found a new way to spell monocoque?

I don’t know, but mine felt a little stress…:wink:

Time for a caption contest?

“More…throttle!.. More!..throttle! …MORE!..THROTTLE!”:oops:

Mawine, USA

High lift twin overhead cams,superb lines,nice rear bum per…

John :wink:

nice model but the intake is too close to the exhaust ---- :open_mouth: ed

“It doesn’t matter what angle you view it from you cannot fault it”
Who said that?

I don’t know if this is the case in question, but I remember that Lotus used a model in a state of undress at the press day of the British Motor Show when (I think) the S2 Elite was launched. The organisers promptly told the company that ‘nudes’ were not permitted even on Press Day. Chapman, as ingenious as ever when faced with rules, decided to add a glove!


Hey Guys,
This is an Elan list so I think this pic is more appropriate…enjoy!


Assume your wife was out when you took that picture !

Oh, I see, she IS your wife. My apologies.

So how on earth do you find time to drive all those cars …?


The wonders of Photo Chop!..and time? well thats relative to the tasks at hand?
Who was it that said “Work is the scourge of the drinking class”

Mmmmmmm…Her height would seem to be the same as the distance from the base of the screen to the front of the car.
On my Sprint that is 1.42 metres.
That would make her about 13. Presume the local coppers have got you on one of their special lists Brian… :slight_smile:


Hey, what can I say! if she was + - 18 in 1961 when she adorned the bonnet of the Elite, that would make her ± 63 now …above the age age of consent methinks! :laughing: :laughing:

I hesitate to comment on an obvious forest/trees anomaly…

I remember the original ad. Bob Challman’s Ecurie Shirlee was where I bought my Lotus. The model in the picture was Diane Webber (real name Marguerite Empey) All this is explained and illustrated in Dennis Ortenburger’s book “Lotus Elite - Racing Car for the Road” (isbn 1 902351 03 7). The book shows up every once in awhile on eBay, or look at abebooks.com. Very useful book to have, although it is getting a bit pricy.

Check Abebooks.com There are sevral copie for less the $50.