Lotus Elan Vin Numbers

Could anyone send me the breakdown of elan VIN numbers so i can tell. what the car was when it left the factory . As i want to buy a S4 or sprint DHC but dont want a FHC conversion.Being discribed as a DHC for DHC money when its not. Russ Moore

FHC VIN start with a 36.
DHC VIN start with 45.

Also, have a look at www.lotuselan.net, I think they break down the numbers somewhere.

Almost. See https://lotuselan.net/lotus-elan/

Yeah too right you should be paying more for a real sports car with a roof rather than a girlies ragtop (tee hee).

Seriously though unless it is particularly botched there is no stigma in owning a FHC that was a DHC. Unless you want to “show” it, which is a waste of a good lotus anyway. If it aint got a roof its a DHC in all but VIN. Use the fact to get the seller to drop the price by all means though!

Thanks for the replies guys. Russ Moore