Lotus Elan S4 DHC

Car Sold.

Cor, talk about the Brits being masters of understatement. :laughing:
I’ve seen your car Mike & for what it’s worth I think it’s a top Elan.
You’ll miss it when it’s gone but nevertheless
Good luck.

Hi I am interested in your elan, please send me your details and price to [email protected]

Jd I have emailed the details. You should have them.

Mike :slight_smile:

blimey Mike…didnt see that coming… :open_mouth:

Hi Gareth,

I’d give Mike a max of 2 years & he’ll be hankering after an Elan on the road again. :wink:
It’s engraved on his heart :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Gareth, Yep, even shocked the wife. :open_mouth:
I got busy at work and with the project car got so I did not know what to work on next. Road Elans still take up a fair amount of time to keep in good nick. I think if I do have another road one it will be an old paint job then you are not worrying about your ?5k paint job. Whilst nice, i think a lived in car is more fun. My plus two’s in the past were like that.
I am still an Elan man. Will push on with the Red S4 FHC with all the TTR bits etc. Still feel a bit odd about it going but two Elans were a lot for me. When you are not enjoying it as much, something has to go. I now have a 134 bhp (Toyota motor) Elise for the road (and odd track day).

Perhap John is right, another one may come along in the futre. Roll on some retirement.

I am off to Castle C. Are you going? First time for me!

regards Mike :slight_smile: