Lotus Elan Registry Updated

The Lotus Elan Registry has been updated with several new features.

The biggest change is you can now update your car information on our web site. if you already have a car in the database you should be getting an email with your account information.

I’ve also added a stats page with a very cool map. If your car appears in the middle of the ocean or in the middle of Australia, please update the City, State/Province, and Country so google can find you.

Ooops. I had an error in the script that generated the user email. Sorry about the multiple messages. :unamused:

Love the map! Your great site was surely a lot of work to create.

All of your efforts are very much appreciated!

'71 Elan Sprint FHC
Miami, Florida

The Map is great!
I suppose us Type 50s can’t squeeze on??? We are Lotus Elans as well


I don’t know enough about the Type 50 to know what to add. Other than adding “Type 50” to the type list and “Plus2”, “Plus2S” to the series list is there anything else?

Perhaps Plus2, Plus2S , Plus2S130

I don’t believe we need more? Anyone else???


Nice site Jim.

I think Terry’s selection list is fine for the series. I guess we would call them FHC Airflow in the model column to keep it simple, or add something like “Plus 2” to the model selection list to make it consistent?

Looking forward to adding the Plus 2 :slight_smile:

Fuse lit…

Can you call our +2 Elans “Superiorial Evolved Elan” ? as they have a refined Elan chassis and body profile aerodynamic resulting in subtle superior road handling.

Signed, a happy Elan S1 and +2 owner who believes the +2 drives better,

If you can get half+2 of the cars owners already registered to agree … :smiley:

There are a couple of minor changes in the works. I’ll fold the +2 items in.

I’ve registered , I’m all ready to add my +2!

Thanks for constructing such a brilliant site, we may yet find out how many are left



Just registered. Photos upload feature as of yet?

Best of Luck,


Congratulations for this great job !


I’v registered also. I see that I have moved house/town/ and county though.

Cool site… Very interesting.

Alex B… :sunglasses:

I’m glad I could be the one to tell you. :slight_smile:

I assume you are referring to the map. Because I only collect City/State/Country and send them off to google to geocode, all of the pins for a given city end up at the same point and look like one pin. To show them all I add a little randomness into the coordinates for each pin. You might also notice you move each time the map is refreshed.

Photos are a little more work but are on the way and are the next major feature. I know how I’m going to do it now it is just a matter of getting it done.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Mrs B was wondering where I got to!!..

NOT an issue Jim. I think its great!!

Thanks… Alex…

Hey Jim,
You have caught me just down the road from Knockhill racing circuit. Its 10 min’s from my house & I do appear to have moved a little closer to home. :laughing: :laughing: www.knockhill.com/


Jim, regarding +2s, I would suggest grouping them separately from the regular Elans, not homogenizing them in. I think most people consider the +2 a different car regardless of the common origins. No implications about superiority or inferiority, just different.


Hello again, I agree with Rod. The Plus Two is a seperate vehicle. Lotus built an Elan, and about four or five years later built an Elan Plus Two. It is that simple.
I made some silly remarks earlier in this subject which remain my personal observations.
We’re talking about two different cars here and neither are babies.


I have added my car to this excellent website. :smiley: Only thing is… now I think my S4 might be a '69 not a '68 if all chassis were produced in sequence… :confused: