Lotus Clubs

I have a full Lotus Elan S4 FHC restoration ahead. Which club would be most helpful / appropriate (I am not going to be driving my car for some time to come) in aiding with parts sourcing, advice, discounts and even meetings (London area) ?

All advice opinions appreciated.

the first two to try are Club Lotus and Lotus Drivers Club
Tel 01362 694459 and 01525 875316 respectively

I like the look of CLOG …problem is Cheshire is a long way away for both of us (I’m in Norfolk where there doesn’t seem to be much club activity)


“I like the look of CLOG…” how very kind of you to say so but you obviously have not seen us, or you would not have said that!

If there is not much happening in Norfolk- why not put out a message on Elan.Net? That’s how CLOG started; we were less than enraptured by schoolgirl and prefects week-ends, which is what Clique Lotus seemed to be into. We now have 55 members on the books, admittedly many of these are “virtual”. We were not the only ones unattracted to CL- NORLOG, who co-exist with us in this area have over 250 members, mainly Elise owners.
DIY is the answer!

Yes Pete is right… DIY is the answer.
The only problem with CLOG is never getting a straight answer to an inane question :stuck_out_tongue:

Maybe nebogipfel ( good name !) could join DP in the South Eastern Chapter.

Ian F. :ph34r:

Pete; Trouble is I’m a bit cr@p at DIY and I couldn’t organise an orgy in a brothel :smiley:

I like the sound of CLOG but I can’t hear you either

Ian; 10 extra points if you actually know where Nebogipfel comes from? If we had a Norfolk chapter could I bite the heads off Jelly Babies :astonished:

‘NEBOGIPFEL’ one of H G Wells time travellers allegedly?, no connection with Lotus then!

Ian Phillips


Clearly you are a man of powerful intellect. (Not to mention taste, owning a S4 Elan)

10 points Bah! Its got to be worth 20 :laughing:


Too many Ians involved in this for my liking! CLOG is absolutely the right place for inane questions but we are now branching out into answering sensible questions too.


Depending which part of London you are based.
Clublotus BBOA meet at the Spade Oak, Bourne End (J4 M40)
They are one of the most active areas and always have a good turn out at the monthly meetings and have several guys in the process of rebuilding Elans. Website is:- http://www.clublotusbboa.co.uk

I`m a clog but I rather like this idea of schoolgirl and prefect weekends, tell me more.

Club Lotus produce some useful data sheets on tasks such as chassis changing and paintwork. If you are about to restore an Elan one sheet worth getting hold of is the one which tells you which Elan parts came for which other cars. E.g. Front suspension and steering as mainly Triumph.