This is happening as we speak. Lots of good stuff: … 20Sale.pdf
yes, very interesting! Where are these parts on sale? Couldn?t make it out.
Thanks, Juergen
I picked this up off of two British Lotus sites. I’ve asked for clarification. One person told me there was an auction in Bristol. However, the price list doesn’t seem to indicate an auction. I’m trying to find out more.
At the Club Lotus parts fair, Lotus themselves were handing out a very similar list. I think the factory is having a clearout - maybe they’ve found they have too much stock or perhaps these are parts they no longer wish to support. The parts are available between 16th-20th January 2007 through :
Lotus Parts Distribution Centre
Units 1-3 Crowley Way
BS11 9YR
There’s not much Elan stuff on the list, it’s mainly later models.
Here’s info I got from the UK:
A friend of mine’s going. he has an Esprit and an Excel.
Details (AFAICR) are:
It’s a sale rather than an auction. It’s three days, the first day is
invitation only to club members (though which clubs is a bone of
contention - the biggest Lotus club in the country being excluded).
I suspect the good stuff will go on the first day so what you need is
someone who’s a member of one of the iinvited clubs. I’ll ask my mat Gary
for more details though he doesn’t always check his email over the weekend.
The sale is open to the public as you know from the 16th to the 20th Jan. It is actually open on the Monday if you are a member of the Lotus Esprit Forum as most of the parts are Esprit. I think the other clubs are invited on the Tuesday but there is nothing to stop anyone going on that day.
Opening times are 9-4 Tues - Fri, 9-2 Sat.
If there are any parts left after the Saturday then they will be going on the Lotus Aftersales website for delivery to your nearest dealer.
I think, but dont quote me, if you contact Lotus aftersales they may be taking pre orders that will be picked during the event and shipped to dealers.
Oh yes, no Ebay demons need apply! They are going to be watching out for unusually large amounts of single items in one sale, especially if a car only needs one and is not likely to wear or anything. This is supposed to be so the owners can get a reasonable deal on genuine parts. Not so they can be sold on!
More info: … page_id=37