I heard of this via an item on eBay I looked at. I emailed Lotus and received this response : -
“We do you a certificate of vehicle provenance for your car, the price is ?25 GBP payable by credit/debit card. The certificate would display VIN, engine number, date of manufacture, date sold/left the factory, Lotus invoice numbers, the selling dealer the invoices relate to, the model, original build colour, 1st owners name and would include your name at the bottom. To supplement the certificate, I produce a written letter with a overview of the information provided.”
Has anyone ever got one of these and is it worth the money?
The problem I have is I know most of the info but not all the info , but ?25 to find out the dealer and the date of manufacture seams a bit steep
I would echo Jon’s comment. Contact Lotus factory - not sure of current archivist, but try Chris Brown - [email protected]
I am having a little difficulty with the DVLA to correct errors regarding my +2’s chassis number, which some PO has changed to match the Spyder chassis number. The correct chassis number should stay with the body plate not the actual steel chassis… A difficult concept for the registration authorities to understand, but Lotus Technical section has a standard letter to the DVLA explaining the situation. This was a great help and should assist me to get the correct documentation back. I asked if this letter could be circulated, but their preference is to issue a letter to owners on a case by case basis, so contact them direct - [email protected]
?25 doesn’t sound too bad - the equivalent for MGs and a lot of other british classics, from the BMHIT, is now ?39. I had them done for both of my MGs, they look good hanging on the garage wall, but they have gone up a fair bit since I got mine !