lotocone puzzle

Hi all,

Just looked in the archives but cannot seem to find an answer that makes sense to me. I bought two new lotocones from Susan Miller along with some new rear shock absorbers. I notice that the lotocone internal diameter is larger than the shock absorber shaft, once I slide on the abutment plate then the lotocone the lotocone is sloppy on the shaft and I cannot see what will locate the lotocone centrally to the assembly. The original shocks had a top hat shaped nut which the smaller part slid into the lotocone. I am thinking I need to make a top hat washer which will locate the lotocone centrally on the shock shaft. Has anyone else come up with this problem, if so what did you do to resolve this?.

Tony W

When I bought new Koni adjustables they were supplied with sleeves that fitted perfectly into the Lotocones.


Thanks for that, seems I may be missing a part I will send Susan Miller an email and see if she is aware of this.

Tony W

That sleeve looks like the ones Tony Thompson makes, they are not a standard part. In the original set up the castle nut held the damper shaft centrally in the lotocone.


Your quite correct, Alan, the sleeves were supplied by TTR to suit the thinner shaft of the Koni inserts.

Surely all of the usual suspects would supply some means of matching the damper inserts they sell when knowing that they are not the same size as the Lotocones? Or am I being naive?

Hi Tony,
I don’t think you are missing any parts. As you know the damper shaft is located centrally at the top of the lotocone by the castle nut. The entry to the bottom of the lotocone has a 45 degree taper. The damper shaft is a snug fit in the spring seat. The spring seat has a dome shape which centres itself in the lotocones 45 degree taper. The stock setup has no added parts. There appears to be a few variations on these Lotocones. Are Sue Millers identical to the originals. Can you post a couple of photos ?


Thanks for the replies, Peter I understand how the abutment plate is shaped and how the lotocone will attempt to centre itself however the clearance between the new shock shaft and the lotocone internal diameter is excessive, shaft .746" Lotocone .791" so you can see it will 'flop" around. I can see that the tube/washer/sleeve is trying to resolve this. I think I will jump on the lathe today and make a couple to quote Jeremy Clarkson “how hard can it be”


Very strange. I have konis fitted on the rear of my plus 2 and pretty sure ther are no bushes used to fit the lotocones. Maybe there are some different tapered lotocones??
Good luck on finding a solution, sorry can not be of more help.

I fitted Konis recently with new Lotocones and there wasn’t a separate sleeve. The castellated nut that came with them had a shoulder on it which just fits into the Lotocone and centralises the top of the shaft. These were the type that are adjustable “internally” rather than the top-adjustable ones. I think the top-adjustable units can’t take a split pin so perhaps you have these and therefore you’re also missing the correct kind of castle nut?


Thanks Paddy, your description of type and fitment is exactly the same as on my plus two.

Thanks to all who have replied very helpful indeed. I made two top hat sleeves and assembled the struts today so in conclusion, the shocks with the centre adjusters as paddy points out cannot have a a castellated nut, mine nuts are Nylocks (that should be the shocker nuts not my own) the thread is a little smaller than the originals hence the sloppy fit easy to fix I still had the original nuts and it is obvious that the step on the nuts is simply there to locate the lotocone.

Next job getting the diff back in…
