Lotocone mounting bolts

Why are the heads of these bolts so thin?

good question. assuming head is in trunk w/ bolt downward, I guess they wanted it flush/even with the top of the locotone mount. of course it gets covered up with padding and carpet and it’s in the trunk, so who cares.
But if the bolt is the other way around (head at bottom, bolt going up into rear diff mounts), perhaps the clearance might be an issue?

Buckland advises, use full head bolts, not half head.


Saves weight and the loads are predominately upwards with the bolts really only holding the lotocone in place as he chassis also acts to locate the lotocone, other than that its essentially stopping the rear upright from dropping out when unweighted, the overall weight of the rear upright assembly is not excessive…

I’ve used domed cap screws, easy to get to from under the car with ball type allen keys, no clearance issues.

Yep the heads face down. Thanks for the assurance that a full head is OK, as that’s what I was going to do anyway.