Loose outer lower a-arm bolt

While doing a rebuild on the front brakes (see “What did you do to your Lotus today”), I noticed that the outer bolt on the lower a-arms was loose. With the front end up, wheel off, if I put a load on the hub, the hub would drop a bit before the a-arm did - maybe an 1/8 - 3/16 inch or so.

I just tightened up the outer bolt a bit - was that the right fix, or do I have a bigger problem?


Sounds like you have worn bushes in the trunnion or oval holes where the trunnion bolt goes through the arms. Both a common.


If the latter, arms need replacing? I.e., tightening up the bolt was just a temporary fix?


Or weld a washer in place…

Like the rest of us do :unamused:
