Looking To Buy, Advice Appreciated

Hi all,Icurrently own a lotus excel and am thinking of changing to a +2s, would like to know what running costs are like, MPG etc compared to Excel and what problems to look out for when buying one.

Many thanks,



This is because I’m nosey!

I too have an Excel- just wondering why you are considering a change. I’ve had a Plus 2 and have had a Sprint since 1978 so I’m not speaking as one who’s had their fingers burned but with respect to the Plus 2 the Excel is a far better car taken all round.

Go on- shoot me down.


Well John I’m off to Uni at the age of 31 and running an Excel isn’t practical as much as I wish it was, love the car get so many looks and people saying thats a great car what is it, it handles brill. So don’t want to become one of the many people driving boring fuel efficent cars but just can’t justify what I have to pay out now. Only looking into buying a +2s, because Ihave kids which don’t live with me but still can’t justify owning an Esprit, yet!. I talked to paul Matty and they said the +2s was far less expensive to run as well as being tax exempt, big plus! I want to keep in the Lotus circles and when I have finished Uni in 3yrs I will take thew plunge and get a ESprit to go with whatever I end up getting now. Whats your opinion on the+2s?


Hi Dave

Don’t get me wrong- I like the Plus 2 in fact I think it’s probably better than the 2 seater it’s just that I regard the Excel as better than both but the Plus 2 is the better looking!


The dash is a nightmare to replace. Look for a car that’s got an original one that’s OK. If it’s been replaced, make sure it was done right. Test everything.
Other than that, check the servo(s).

I sold my excel last year and have now got a +2s130 its a far nicer car to drive but as for being cheaper i am not sure a good excel can cost around ?3500 a good +2 anything over ?6000 its not worth buying a cheap one as you will spend more puting it right. As for fuel the excel is unleaded and I got around 25 mpg the +2 is LRP with an octain booster and I get around 25 to 30 mpg so not much in it. Good luck in your search.


Don’t know about compared to an Excel, but I get about 25 to the gallon out of my +2S. Not had any major problems yet, so running costs have been fine - just changing plugs, oil, tyres, etc.