I am looking for a radiator for my elan sprint federal 7108000193K (year 1971.
See the picture of my actual engine bay and I would like to restore the car as original. Where can I find the radiator? which type of radiator?
Thank you,
I am looking for a radiator for my elan sprint federal 7108000193K (year 1971.
See the picture of my actual engine bay and I would like to restore the car as original. Where can I find the radiator? which type of radiator?
Thank you,
The standard Sprint radiator gives very marginal cooling even in the UK.
Your car has been modified to improve the cooling and my advice would be to leave it as it is.
By all means buy an original radiator to keep with the car but my advice is do not fit it.
Your Sprint should have the later narrow radiator with steel side wings. They come up fairly often on Ebay or I suspect there is someone on the forum who would sell you one having removed it from their car to fit something more efficient.
I have the original radiator and fan from my car sitting in my workshop. I’ll gladly swop it for the one in your car.
This is a terrific offer - I’m assuming you’re a lunatic, and will say yes.
Have a look at `A NEW FULL WIDTH RADIATOR` by carrierdave around May 1st.-2006. this is almost identical to the original rads. fitted to the early Elans. Obviously this is not strictly correct but is as close as you could get to original fitment as it was fitted to the Elan and +2.
The radiator is supplied by Canley Classics part No. RKC2117, (I think) but it would need modifications to the top hose connection, it points in the wrong direction and possibly the radiator cap/neck lowered to give a little more clearence to the bonnet (hood). I hav`nt done this mod. so I might be accused of talking out of my rectum! but it may be worth investigating.
I was lucky enough to purchase a original rad. from a +2 so I did not need to do this, but I have not fitted it yet as I am still using the car as much as possible.
Regards John.
This is another option - Ebay Item number: 200066949503
Very expensive but they look good.
BUT, This is a copy of the wider radiator fitted to earlier Elans, much better cooling but not original.
Has anyone on the forum fitted one of these rad’s?
I fitted the one on eBay - but didn’t pay that much for it.
It is an excellent radiator, and cheaper than any of the competition I looked at. It does not come with a drain boss - you need to ask for that.
I ordered mine without the filler neck as I fill from the thermostat housing.
Already seen it and already in contact with the seller. They make reproduction radiator in aluminium or copper. But I am looking for the original at the moment to restore the car properly in accordance with its history in order to obtain the FIVA certification.
I have an S3 which had the wide radiator anyway, but more particularly, I have an FIVA certificate which they are happy to issue if any modififcations are “in period”. For example I have a hand written notation that the electronic ignition is “as fitted to racing Lotus Cortinas in 1966”.
the problem is concernig the italian expert of ASI, the only italian authority able to release the FIVA. They have an approach as expert but they showed as much as they don’t konw the car.
For example:
my car is federal and so the seats have the headrest; they are asking me to remove them…
or the color of the wheels: they told me that black color is not original and tryd to ask to repaint the wheels in grey…
…no words!!! I had to show pictures, books and many reference to convince them and they askt me: where did you find this sort of pictures and info? … no words!!!
I explaind that the different cooling system that I have was a standard improvement, manly for warm country, as California, where the car went as Federal and it comes from; or an improvement for race version, but they don’t accept the concept…
This is Italy…
Thank you in any case for your comment.
The alloy cross-flow radiator was homologated for the 26R - does that not carry any weight?
A little less than the copper/brass version…
C’mon it’s Christmas…
The whole set up, as shown in your Pic’ looks very much TTR.
Maybe if you send it to them they could verify the official use of this system.
Brian’s swap offer is very good though
Merry Christmas