Looking for info from any US based lotus enthusiast

I attached a article from ReMarque dated February 1989 Vol 16 No9.

Before I state my question, I just want to be clear that I’ve owned my S2 for almost 5 years and just recently put up for sale in the for sale section. And as I am receiving inquiries, it has made me look through a box full of history that was given to me with the car and I have few questions to the “older” guys since I was 5 at the time of this article. Thank you,

Can someone explain what was ReMarque? a magazine at the time?

Page 3 of the article, Does anyone know or remember E. Leon Volling? I ask because I purchased the car from the previous owner that purchased the elan from Leon. He was a engineer/inventor for O’brien Corp in St Louis, MO and designed a plus2 license plate operator and appears that he submitted the design to the magazine at the time, am I on the right track? I am assuming that Leon was a enthusiast? I do believe that is my S2 in the background, I removed the roll bar that’s mounted to the elan in the picture,… it served no purpose as it was bolted to the body only.

I am having issues attaching the article because it to large in size. here is the url…

lotusltd.com/wp-content/uploads … e16no9.pdf

I also have more of Leons drawings/inventions/data (Lotus related), if you’re interested I can upload them.

Thanks for any help given.


ReMarque is the magazine from LotusLtd, the US equivalent to Club Lotus. Tony Vaccaro is the current President & will be along soon…

your Elan does not have a front lower air dam like the one pictured in the background on that Plus2 article. Did it previously have that air dam?

Thanks Phil,

Ted - When I purchased the elan it did not have the lower damper but it did have the black wheels and black bumpers like in the picture…


Tony V here. I will try and do some research on the owner and car. I will see if he is current or past member of Lotus Ltd. If he was before we all started using email, I am not sure I will find him. Remember we only started with email in the late 90’s.

E Leon Voling is listed in Lotus Ltd’s 1994 membership roster as living in E. Alton, Illinois. It says he had a '71 Plus 2, a ;66 Elan S2 and a '68 Elan S3. It lists address and phone numbers. I didn’t check any later rosters. Just found that he had been a member
Maybe he still is?

Thank you for the information, explains why there is many receipts from Dave Bean.