I have two Lockheed brake boosters on my +2. They replaced the original (Girling?) boosters that were beyond rebuild. Also, I beleive the rebuild kits were unavailable.
I need to rebuild the Lockheed boosters. I am looking for a rebuilder recommendation, preferably in the U.S…
I remember the unit P/N as LE72696. Which could be incorrect. They do look similar.
I located a thread about this issue. I was in the discussion but it was too long ago to remember. I as well as the boosters are getting old. viewtopic.php?t=1215&start=
Interesting fix for stuck pistons. I will perform this modification. I also have two of these boosters in a 1969 TVR Vixen.
Correction. 1968 TVR Vixen. One of around 37 manufactured that year. Has two Girling “clay pipe” master cylinders. The later cars (1969 and up) used a two circuit boosted master cylinder from a Triumph. Again my memory is unreliable. Bob
Removed the vacuum air valve / piston. It was stuck. I applied pressure to the brake pedal and it came out. Will now need to bleed the system.
The piston has only one seal contrary to the previously referenced post indicating two seals. I cleaned the bore and piston and applied a small amount of Castrol red rubber grease. The pedal now has travel in part likely from the small amount of air in the system.
That leaves me with a dilemma. I anticipated a long term fix by removing the second O ring and reassembling the servo. It is strange that the piston sticks requiring repeated servicing.
Anyone experienced stuck boosters and found a permanent solution?