Lenham hard top for S2

I was searching an old link from the archives regarding Lenham hardtops. I’ve contacted the company and received the following reply:

Anbody seen a Lenham style S2 hardtop before :question:
Anybody know what glass they used :question: :question:

The one currently on ebay is for S3 onwards


I was bidding on the eBay one thinking it was for a S4, then contacted the seller to make sure…he thought it was for a S1 / S2! Perhaps I should get bidding again…for my S4!


The EBay one looks like an S3/4, but it’s not easy to tell… :confused:

I think the S3/S4 one uses the same glass as the fixed-head Elan :question:

:arrow_right: Matthew

Strange :confused: :confused: :confused: … when I contacted him he said it was for an S3/4/sprint


Hieprobably stopped both of us from bidding Barney. Just saw what it went for…?540 !!! I think you can get one for your S2 from TTR for a lot less that that, and with fixings to actually make it useful!!


Yeh all that and scratches too!

With the TTR offerings there is one with a parcel shelf and one without.
Apart from the ability to carry parcels :unamused: is there a benefit (Rigidity, original form :question: ) from having the parcel shelf?


My original S2 hardtop has a parcel shelf. Without it the roof would be very floppy and prone to cracking when fitting, I would think. Important for those racer boys who want to save that extra 2 ounces though!


Any chance of a photo or two showing what it is like on the inside?


Here’s a couple of pics showing the parcel shelf bit. I have the side trims, but not the headlining…I’ll photograph the side trims if interested.


Thanks Mark!

I can now see why the parcel shelf adds extra strength.
Apart from the cut-away hinge and the three clips above the screen does the hard-top attach anywhere else?


Yes -

look at marks picture no 3 - notice round hole and fixture north of it. These attach to corresponding points on body - for more detail see service manuel I think the stick is a pin and a bolt for the threaded bobin in the body.

To complete the loop I asked the current manufacturers of the Lenham top if they knew the source for the rear screen.

In the back of my mind I have my doubts about the glass being FHC sourced. I have this image in my head that the Leham rear screen wrapped around the sides a bit more and gave a wider rear quarter view.

Perhaps we’ll never find out for certain … unless someone knows out there :stuck_out_tongue:

:smiley: Thanks to cabc26b for the explanation regarding the securing arrangement.
