Leaky speedo drive takeoff

Hi all, finally got my ramp set up in my garage! Got the car up to start to fit all the new goodies to it and found quite a drip of earbox oil coming from the speedo take off on the side of the gearbox. I can physically rotate the drive box in the gearbox itself, is there an O ring or seal under the forked retaining plate? The leak is definitley from around that area?
Al Cowan

Yes there should be an O-ring fitted to the speedo drive housing which fits into the tailshaft housing. If you fit a new one make sure to lubricate it well & be nice and gentle when reassembling.


There are a bunch of possible leak paths you need to dissaemble the angle drive from the gear drive insert into the box from the box itself and examine the sealing of each to decide how best to seal up any leaks.

There is a fork that clamps the gear drive insert into the box and this gets bent overtime so the assembly is not held firm in the box and needs to be rebent. The O ring on this also may need replacing or seal it to the case with a little silicone sealant

The gear drive insert has a scroll that limits oil leakage up the shaft if the shaft to case clearances are too large you get excessive leakage up the shaft which then comes out the join between it and the angle drive. Replacement of the gear drive is the only soluton if you can find a good one. More silicone on the join between the angle drive and gear drive insert can limit the leakage if you cant get a good gear drive insert.


Thanks for the quick response, I have another angle drive to fit as the one on it is broken. Will put a new O ring in and a bit of joint sealant as well, the fork does look like it is bent skightly up,
Thanks again, Al Cowan