Leak from speedo drive

Hi all, I have a pretty constant drip from the speedo drive on the side of the gearbox. It looks like it is actually coming from around the plate on the side of the gearbox. Do I have to drop the oil to get the gubbins out from the gearbox. How is the sealed, is there an O ring or something similar there? I found my gearbox mount to be knackered after all the oil contamination, well worth checking!
Al Cowan

The speedometer driven gear is below the normal oil level (assuming yours is a four speed box) so you will have to drain the gearbox first. You will need to replace two seals. One is an o-ring on the bearing housing. The other is a paper gasket between the bearing housing and the threaded adapter for the cable attachment. The bearing housing can be a bugger to pull out of the gearbox tail housing. I have no secret tips for this, just pry carefully and expect to curse.

I use a smear of silicone to help seal the components when I assemble. I did not know a paper gasket was used as I have never seen one when disaasembling them - you learn something every day. You also will need to rebend the fork that clamps the unit in place as it bends overtime and does not firmly clamp the unit on place resulting in leaks.


There should be an O ring, mine did not have one. The paper gasket is new to me as well, again mine did not have one. I used some Wellseal here which appears to have worked well :slight_smile:

Getting the fork back on can be a pain. Profanity is expected :exclamation:

Rohan and Steve,
My gearbox had the paper gasket between the bearing and the adapter from day one and I have gotten another in every geabox gasket set I have ever purchased. The gasket is shown in the Service Parts List (E316-ME-1), Dave Bean lists it as 026F0316. Of course Wellseal might even be better.

Thanks guys for your assistance as always, going to do the job at the weekend,

Hi Alasdair,

You have Plus 2, so not 100% sure you could do this. On my S4 I’ve cut a hole to access the speedo drive, and use a magnetic socket to undo/do up and catch everything. Also helps if you undo and drop the gearbox mount/chassis bracket. My drive leaked (changed the rubber O ring but it made no difference), so made my own paper gasket and used a sealer too, Thinnest screwdriver or knife to start the prising then work up through the sizes, rotating if you can.

Have a nice time.


In my experince you can often get away without draining the oil(especially if it is leaking and already low) just by jackling up the rear of the vehicle.


I think your Spyder chassis is what makes this possible.