knockoff/on socket wrench

I have finally got in all of my cost and finished the non-knock off tool. It is listed currently on Ebay with all of the details. … 642&lk=URL
Hopefully this site works for you guys. ebay motors lotus elan knockoff
After I post this. I’ll try it. If you have questions or suggestions let’s talk. use [email protected]
I will have a two ear spinner tool finished shortly for the MG and the larger Jaguar spinners. That works on both the left and right side.
Thanks Sarto

Hey it works!!

Hi Sarto,
Car looks nice, it if finished now?

Carl :smiley:

Hi Carl, yes it is finally finished, engine is broken in, a new 3:55 diff. and the stainless exhaust sounds great with the new 151 webers . I just can’t afford to go any where for the next few years.

Need a little help on spinners and hubs. I have the lotus 3 eared spinners that are not left and right hand threads, they are all the same on my car. And have just seen a set of left and right hand threaded spinners that appears to be the same size as the lotus spinners. Does that mean that lotus did not have reverse threads or do I have the wrong hubs on my car. I was told that because of the pins through the wheel, it was not neccessary to have right left hubs for lotus spinners??? If that is different on lotus only, what other cars use the same size spinners with a left / right hand thread??? My knockoff spinner wrench fit both types of spinners.
Thanks for any information anyone has on others cars and how they are suppose to fit.



You should most definitely have right hand threads(hubs and spinners of course!) on the right hand side and left hand thread on the left hand side.

Mike, thanks you are right! I do have the correct hubs and spinners. I should never walk backwards around my car to check left from right after a brew. So I guess our spinner size is only made for Lotus. The spinner sets that I saw were packaged wrong, or maybe I better look again. I understand that the spinners are made in the UK, does anyone know who manufactures them?
Thanks again Sarto