Judder on takeoff

I have had the problem for some time and cannot cure it .On takeoff I feel a judder through the clutch pedal ,if I give it some revs I don`t notice it ,it happens in 1st and 2nd.The car runs smothly and gear changes are normal .I fitted a new clutch last winter ,complete 3 piece,new engine/gearbox mounts,propshaft has been refurbished,rear susspension/diff mounts “seem” in good condition ,the diff housing is not touching the frame .Could the master/slave cylinders be faulty ,there are no leaks and I have changed the fluid .I used synthetic fluid ?

Hi,Suggest you take some time to explore this site!!go to homepage,look in the library section,and you’ll find reviews of the elan when it was first released-the series2 review describes your exact problem!!

Check your engine mounts - carefully. I solved a similar problem recently, inlet side mount looked OK until close inspection showed it was delaminating from the engine side of the mount.

Check the diff torque rod bushes, they most likely need replacing.

I seriously doubt the clutch hydraulic system is at fault unless it is obvious. More likely, it is one of two issues, either you are getting some oil on the flywheel friction face or the surface is warped. In any case, I believe you need to pull the engine and examine the friction surface. If the issue is oil cantamination, you need to refresh the rear main seal, clean the flywheel, and replace the driven clutch. If the flywheel surface is warped, you need to cut and rebalance the flywheel.

Sorry, no easy answers here.


…“if I give it some revs I don`t notice it …”

If you drive it hard enough to eliminate the judder do you smell either hot clutch or burnt oil? Does oil drip from between the engine block and bell housing?