JPS - Request for new Elan Book

Afternoon all - As I’m setting up the pictures for the Elan and Plus 2 Source book I’m lacking any pictures of a real JPS Plus 2 - could anyone let me have me a shot or two? I need an overall picture of the car in colour… Fame in the form of an acknowledgment in the book awaits the successful donee!

I believe the correct term would be “donor”; I suspect there is no such word as “donee” and if there were it would probably mean “recipient”. I don’t mean to be critical but if you want your book to be respected, as a fellow minor author myself I think it is very important that any book worthy of the name be written in good English :slight_smile:

A friend of mine has just completed a full restoration on my old JPS including a full SMS body restoration and paint.

I’m seeing him tomorrow (full 2.0m distance will be observed of course) and will get some photos :smiley:

Isn’t a ‘donee’ an Australian khazi?

Hi Matt,

This one sold a while back but I thought it was one of the best I’d seen…


Sorry to offend you Nigel - I was wrong of course as I will the ‘donee’, but it is a word. If you look it up in the Oxford English Dictionary you’ll see it is defined as ‘A person who receives a gift’, and hopefully I’ll be in receipt of a gift in the form of a photo or two… This clampdown has resulted in the consumption of probably more single malt and beer than is commensurate with good speeeling… or accurate posting - sorry :slight_smile:.

However, I can assure you that all my books are written in proper English with proper grammar as well. It couldn’t be otherwise with 17 published books under my belt, including a recent nomination for the RAC Motoring author of the year for my last years Europa book. I’ve got three more books on commission and on the go at the moment along with many articles in the motoring press so I don’t quite see myself as a minor author…
Oh and I also got a Classic and Sportscar magazine ‘Pedant in Chief’ award (I’ve got the hat to prove it) for pointing out that the Lotus 900 series engine was not based on a Vauxhall unit of which I am inordinately proud :slight_smile:

And to the other respondents thanks for the offers of pictures, much appreciated :slight_smile:

And isn’t the Aussie loo a ‘Dunney’?

I have an original factory shot that Lotus provided to me when the JPS was announced. David

Hi David - is that a colour or black and white picture?

It’s colour. David

Hi David - you have a PM

Proper? English please :laughing:

taken today, fresh out of restoration

I guess that’s NNG Jono? But where’s the gold pinstripe?!

Tell him I’ll have it back if it’s not completed to original specification!!

It does look absolutely stunning by the way. What did he do with the interior in the end?


Jono - those are great - are you OK if I use them in the book? If so many thanks and can you pm me with your name so I can acknowledge you properly.

That’s the one Mark!

SMS persuaded him not to go with the pin stripe, against my advice it must be said.

The interior was a problem as the cord was really not good enough to re use - he found something very similar and had the seats re done. It’s turned out pretty good however.

He even left the slightly shonky 70’s number plates!

Matt - send me a PM with your private email and I will send you more at higher res.

Mark (new owner) said it’s fine for you to use them

That’s a shame. I managed to save the floppy cloth for my Europa by relaminating it to good effect. Jim

Hi Jono - you have a pm from me…