In October 1973, when I was 30 years of age, I purchased a brand new Lotus Elan Plus 2 JPS (Reg TLB 968M) from Len Street, a Lotus Dealer in Chelsea, London, at that time.
I know that it is still in existence and I have written to DVLA to try and obtain a contact with the current owner, to no avail. I am now 80 years old and unfortunately, unable to drive. I would love to hear from the current owner, just to have a chat about all my problems that I had with it from day 1. I really loved that car, even with its problems and at the time of purchase, it was the most expensive Lotus one could buy. I have some amusing memories of it and hopefully, someone on this forum may know the existing owner! I await in anticipation, for a reply. John Honeyball.
Hi John,
I made several attempts to contact the present owner of my old 1973 GT6 though the TSSC and Club Triumph websites without success.
Earlier this year I registered on their Facebook sites and made contact within a couple of days. Give it a go.
Good luck in your quest.
The good news is your old car is currently taxed to June 2022 so it’s on the road. Hopefully Tim will be along soon to see if he has the current owner details.
In the meantime would some kind soul put up a post about this on the classic Lotus Facebook pages to see if we can find the current owner.
Firstly, thank you so much for trying to help me find the current owner of my Elan Plus 2 JPS.
Secondly, no I did not own it in 1986. I only had it for five + years as I think by then I had lost all faith in it. Having said that, I went on to buy a new Lotus `Eclat and subsequently, a fifteen month old Lotus Esprit Turbo. What madness, I hear you say, but as you must know, there is (was), nothing like having the Lotus driving experience!