JPS +2S Coachline

Does anybody know if the factory-original came with or without the coachline?

The picture in the book “Authentic Lotus Elan & Plus 2” by Robinshaw and Ross shows a JPS with a coachline so I assume they came from the factory like that.

I agree with the above, before I restored my no. 69 JPS (which had it’s original paint) the coach stripe appeared to be painted by hand. It does not continue between the front and back of the door handle.

Wouldn’t be surprised if some cars didn’t have it though, we all know the variety of cars that left the lotus factory.
(Some later JPS cars leaving painted all black apparently as the popularity dwindled).


Thanks for the answers. One further question: can anyone tell me how wide the coachline should be?

This may be of help to you, an article I wrote on JPS Elans a couple of years ago.

2019 Apr Plus 2 JPS.pdf (1.23 MB)

Many thanks Tim, very informative.