I would be interested to hear the thoughts of the engine builders amongst us, for recomended jointing compounds to be used in sealing the half moons in place, and the cam cover gasket. No orange hylomar suggestions please, or ill SEE YOU JIMMY, at Donington!

Correction, orange HERMATITE users need not reply!


John :wink:

There was a thread recently about using a thin smear of engine oil and letting silicone gasket stuff go off overnight instead of rockerbox gaskets…it’s good…look it up

Welseal is a favourite. Clear silicone a close second I recon. I personally like to bed the half moons onto a thin smear of clear silly. I do this then let the silly go off overnight b4 droping the lid on. They don’t leak that way and they come out easy when you want them to. I tend to use new ones every time but this is just a waste of money. Old habits die hard though.

I prefer the silly option. Any other silly buggers out there. :smiley: One silly bugger at a time please

Donny next week…Can u believe it… :open_mouth: Struth.

Alex B… :sunglasses:

Meant to tell you… for all the fellow pilots out there.

In flying lingo it means … I have you visual James. :laughing:

Alex B… :sunglasses:

FWIW, I was advised by my local parts shop last week that Hernetite is no longer being manufactured.
ICI Paints has stopped making it because of low demend.

So if it’s your favourite compund - get out there quickly and buy some before stocks disappear.

Dribond or 3 Bond 1209 (depending upon where you) are can be recommended.
It’s colourless & should be applied only to oil free surfaces.
It’s used by the “big boys” & they need a leak free engine “for life”
(e.g. application on “half Moon” elastomer seals.)
The well known & respected sealants of yesteryear, which had oil dispersant solvents, marketed under the same name are still available but due to soddin’ “health & safety regulations” have been re-formulated without the solvents.
It is often the case that these products no longer produce the results that could once be expected.

For what it’s worth IMHO always use new “half Moons” it’s not a waste of money; the elastomer properties do change once subjected to extended periods of heat.

Nix f?r ungut

I am not talking old half moons here. I just put 4 new ones in after 500 mls on the engine. The ones that came out were just the same as the new that went in. But as I said I can’t help,myself…

I have loads of them in my ‘parts bin’ And comparing them its friggin hard to tell the difference. :confused:

So… I beg to differ. Its my money I am wasting but wasting it I def’ am… :confused:

I think I will start an ebay shop…

C U’s at Donington…

Alex B… :sunglasses:

I just place the cork on the head and carefully place the cover on and guide the cork in place with my fingers as I tighten the nuts I don’t use any thing on the D seals --just 10 pounds of torque on the cam cover nuts ----V.W. rabbit D seals with one lip removed work well also if your in a bind for the seals -----but they are blue ----ed

Errrm Alex, I think I was agreeing with your concept of always using new half Moons :wink:

Happy Easter :slight_smile:

and I dont give a sh## either way – :neutral_face: --ed

OH! …come on Ed, dont hold back …tell us what you really think :laughing:

Oh well… One went fishing and only got 1 nibble. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Donny next weekend! Looking forward to It. Leaving credit card at home though… :open_mouth:

Little car has now done about 750 mls with very few probs. Had to rebuild the clutch master again. Indian kit fitted now in the bin! Everything else A OK… Its getting better and better. And the sun has been shining. Brill.

Restoring another Lambretta at the moment. Keeps me occupied and my head off the fact that I am waiting to go for a tripple bypass op’

Hope I dont get the call next week :confused:

Cheers all…

Alex B…

To the original question…this may be of interest … alants.pdf

Oh well… One went fishing and only got 1 nibble. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Oh dear,

I appear to be falling sucker to Scots as well as Amedican humour

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

well Alex-- I would not worry too much about your bypass ----I didn’t even know mine was happening --the Doctors do these operations like we change oil – [just make sure you ask for a new filter on the by pass pump and nurses with big hooters ] :laughing: and there was no problem getting my race license renewed after -and Peter McPecker works like your 17 again – :blush: --or in Galic -A TILT IN YOUR KILT --ed

Why would anyone want to stop all of that lovely chassis protecting oil from getting to its destination. At least half of the
folks on this forum need all the help that it provides. Gear oil for the box stops the lower spine of the chassis from rotting
except when that nice sponge of a saddle blanket remains constantly wet with a brew of acid rain and salt. A leaky
Twin Cam prolongs an Elans life span. It ain’t no show car it’s a driver…

beer it is then John… Much to discuss. Hopefully with a lot of us…

AB… :laughing: :laughing:

Hi Ed… All,

         Thanks for the reassurance. It really does help.  Looking forward to tilting kilt quite a bit. Even though that aint a problem I am more than pleased to report.  I would love to have my flying license / medical renewed but I doubt it somehow. Nevermind..

         Thanks  again... I will order the extras you mentioned  :laughing:   :laughing:      :wink: 

Alex B… :sunglasses:

over here the race licence is based on the flying licence so if your good for one your pretty much good for the other --ed