John Surtees
If you feel this is overdue
click the link and vote

I agree that it is well overdue and happily added my name to the 450 on the petition. However, whilst browsing the other petitions on the 10 Downing Street website, I couldn’t help but notice that the one with most signatories (>25,000) urges that Jeremy Clarkson be made Prime Minister!!

Now there’s a thought.

'72 Elan Sprint
'74 Europa TCS
'72 Westfield 7
Noble 23 replica (in progress)

I saw John Surtees speaking at a function in Melbourne back in the 80s. One of the stories he told was racing at the Isle of Man TT one year in the fog. He knew one set of street corners well, and he also knew that each corner had a street lamp right on the edge. So at 90mph, banked right over, he knew exactly when to lift his head to one side to miss the lamp?which couldn?t be seen until it was too late due to the fog. He showed us the crash helmet, which had deep scratch marks on each side, where he had misjudged the clearance by a fraction of an inch on several occasions. My jaw didn?t close for about an hour after his talk! I don?t think that anybody else has been world champion on both bikes and cars have they?

Whist I agree with pretty well everything Jeremy Clarkson says (Diesel bad, petrol consumption good, speed necessary, Jags and Astons good, Marlboro and beer good, blokes under 6 ft 4 inches bad) it just can?t happen. He?s not Scottish, and nobody from south of the border has done anything in politics in the UK for the past 10 years.
