over the holiday week-end i was getting ready for a show in my local area and decided to peruse some old magazines that i had and came across something interesting.
It was a mag called British Cars (or something close to that) from 2003.
The cover had a piece on Sunbeam alpines and tigers ,but also a story on Dave Beans 26r (why i bought it)…anyhow in the course of the article i noticed something about a guy named gary anderson who remembered to close the door on daves 26r and prevent the interior light from draining daves battery and ruining his racing day…also noticed that the photography for the piece was done by gary anderson. Is this the same gary on this forum and if so man its a small world…
72 elan sprint coupe
No, we are not the same person. He is
Gary (G.) Anderson
Editor, Classic Motorsports magazine
Los Altos, CA
I am on the other Atlantic coast of the U.S. and middle initial is E as in Elwood. I use my full name every where on the internet, garyeanderson as I don’t want other folks to think I hiding behind some other name or if I say or write something that its from someone else.
Gary and I have crossed emails before, others have asked the same question. Besides I can’t write, I’m better with pictures
gary e,
thanks for the reply…and the photos…they are always ready to go arn,t they? dogs dont care what kind of day you had…just lets play and when am i going to eat next?
dalmation owner and lotus nut
72 elan sprint copue
Gary, what about the Gary Anderson I see on the Lotus Cortina list. Is that you? But I also assume that the Gary Anderson columns I see in Sports Car Market is the same Gary Anderson from British Car, aka, Classic Motorsport?
Inquiring minds want to know!
Greg Z
'72 Sprint
Hi Greg
Lotus Cortina list is me also, the sports car market is not. With my attitude about Lotus, I wouldn’t last long there
I also maintain a listing of U.S. delivered Lotus Cortina’s, with the help of others we have located nearly half of the 65 and 66 LoCorts brought into the
country by Ford Motor Company.
Ha! You’re so right about that. I’m sure Keith Martin must have had a bad experience with one as a kid and has held a grudge ever since.
I’ve had two LoCorts in my past and my most recent one, FS59293, was sold to Dave (forget his last name) in Montana and he has since sold. Do you know if its still in the States?
Greg Z
Hi Greg - that was a beauty of a Locort that you sold to Dave. Dave posted up some great pictures of it out in the snow a few years back , just before he sold it. I think it is still in the US , but Gary will know for sure.
Hi Greg
Please check your private mail on this site
Thanks Gary!