Is this a Lotus Elan lock?

I have this lock that is new unused. The person from whom I got it told me he was stationed in England in the '60’s and purchased it at the Lotus Factory during a tour.

He told me it is an Elan glove box lock, but it has no push button release, just a “turn the key, extend or retract the bolt” type, so I don’t see how it could be that or even a boot lock. It certainly doesn’t go anywhere on my S1.

Can anyone ID this part?


Is is indeed an Elan glove box lock, but it’s for a later version than your S1. As I one day plan on re-doing my Europa dash and I plan on including a glove box door (Europas come with no door whatsoever), I’d be interested in purchasing it if you’re interested in selling it. Thanks Scott.