Is there a Photos search?

Quick question. I used to use the picture search quite extensively on the old forum - does the new on e have a similar feature? I had a quick look and didn’t spot it…


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You can search for posts with images, but it does not visually display the results.

  1. Go to the Advanced Search

  2. Open up the advanced filters

  3. In the “Only return topics/posts” area, look at the “Any” drop-down and select the option called “Include images.”

This will only include posts that have associated images. The results are listed in text and not visually.

There is a feature request to the software company to include the images in the result set.

I have this on the enhancements list to build a visual search for the new site.

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OK thanks Jeff. Fingers crossed… :slight_smile:

There is also the possibility to use the browser using the restriction
in the search at the beginning of the description, followed by content/keyword to be searched for, and click on “images” …