Is it possible get new interior light lens. I only have one the other two are missing. I started to draw the lens today and make a couple of sets on my CNC mill, but is it worth it if I can buy them off the shelf.
I think the early +2 lenses came from the Mk1 Cortina so it may be worthwhile searching Ford clubs and forums. I don’t believe they’ve been remanufactured.
Can anyone else help?
A NOS (New Old Stock) lens of this type (cortina Mk1 and Mk2) sold on eBay a few days ago for ?62
So I guess its a very rare item.
I need three
So matbe I should start production, who wants one?
I will post a photo when I have one or two made.
Hi guys
This is a subject close to my heart I spent ages trying to get new lenses for my early lamps.
The Cortina lamps are the same but the lenses are different. The Cortina switch protudes out of the front of the lense where-as the Lotus switch comes out of the side.
Here’s a couple of pics for you.
This is the same as what I have in mine so I have the pattern to work from. I will have the first prototype made later this week.
I’ll bet they’re from some British sedan or sports coupe from the same era. I just can’t believe Lotus took time to build their own dome lights. MG 1100 ???
Here they are the very first ones off the machine.
I have a few minor alterations to make but they look good and look close to the original. i am trying to find white acrylic to make them from for the production batch or if requested i can make clear as well. This one I sand blasted inside the cover. production price will be $40.00. let me know what you think?
There seems to be a market for the cortina lenses, there is a NOS one on ebay at the moment Item number: 320110338034 currently at ?40!!
I’ll have 3 if the price is right
I have them on e bay now at $40 each + shipping or you can buy direct from me